Spring Break 2004

See Beach Pictures
More Beach
See Cars at
See Friends at
See Pets
and People
See Beach
See Miracle
See Beach Signs
See Trucks
at Beach
See Walmart at
Tobacco Funeral Home
Up In Love
Tobacco Aborts
I Quit In
Memory Of
Moron Indicator
1st Tobacco 2nd Obesity
Tsunami Vs
Tobacco Deaths
Suicide By Tobacco
Cheapest Cigarettes On
Tobacco Effects
Tobacco Enslaves Us
Tobacco Survivors United
Homeless Migration
I Will Never Use
ASAP 911 Tobacco
Targets Blacks
America's Worst Enemy
Recall Tobacco
Please Mr. Santa
No Smoking Break
Fatherless By
Health Offender
Smoking Breaks
Artest Tobacco
Tobacco Please
Butts Litter
Cut Using Tobacco
Passion Over
Tobacco Prostitutes
Should Inmates
T.obacco L.iberation C.oming
Know Body Fat
Enslaves Us

Please click on the sites on the left to see the pictures
taken by Mike Sawyer at Spring Break 2004 at Panama City Beach, Florida, and consider linking your sorority, fraternity, youth
group, or any organization to
"Earth can't flush butts," Mike Sawyer stated during Spring Break 2004
at Panama City Beach, Florida.

Alexia visiting Panama City Beach from Vancouver, Washington was almost
"unseen" for her act of kindness she was so unselfishly donating by
picking up litter off "The World's Most Beautiful Beaches."
(In my 7 days off walking over 30 miles on the beach and the strip Alexia
was the
only soul I witnessed intentionally picking up litter.
Go out
into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light
new light in the hearts of people.
Thanks to Jones Property for the nonprofit tax deductible gift in
kind of 8 nights provided in their upscale furnished condo to the Butts
Litter mission.
Thanks to Signwave Signs & Graphics at 746-A
W. 15th Street Panama City, FL for everything.

Marjie Lundstrom: No smoking on the beach
By Marjie Lundstrom
Published 2:15 am PDT Saturday, April 17, 2004
SANTA MONICA - Here's a fresh reason to love trend-setting
Buttless beaches.
Please click below to read the rest of this Sacramento Bee
newspaper story:
No-smoking forces taking new
territory: the beach
March 22, 2004
Daniel B. Wood
| Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor
"After a routine beach cleanup produced 6,300
butts in one hour at the 1.5-mile-long Solana Beach, the group took a
tub of cigarette refuse to city hall. They filmed interviews of
residents, 91 percent of whom approved the ban. Partnering with the
American Heart Association and the Surfrider's Foundation, they barraged
city hall with testimonies and requests for action."
Please click on link to read the entire article
From the Irish Examiner of Ireland
March 18, 2004
Ban may put 200m more cigarette butts on
By Michael Brennan
AN extra 200 million cigarette butts could be dumped on the streets when
the smoking ban begins, according to Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL).Launching
its annual anti-litter campaign yesterday, the group said it was
inevitable smokers would take their litter outside with them.
"In the US, cigarette butts account for three times as much litter as
food wrappers. They are also especially susceptible to running off into
our waterways," said chairman Dr Tom Cavanagh.
Read entire article at:
or click here
- Please send your picture(s) of Butts Litter to Mike
Sawyer at
TobaccoKills2000@aol.com Call Mike 205-515-1560 or 859-229-5958
- Mike Sawyer a former mayor is currently meeting with
city officials to promote Butts Litter
- Will you link
to your website
- Can you get your photography class to shoot some
pictures for this site
- Need sponsors for Butts Litter
signs, decals, and clothing
(Tax deductible)
- What about your church, school, sporting
team, organization, corporation, college, city, club linking to